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ponedeljek, 19. april 2010

ABC Betting For Starters :)

Hello, freshman in betting world. We decided, to write that blog for all starters in sports betting. We will try to provide some quality informations, whitch can help you with maximizing your profits + I also give you informations about tools, bookmakers, bonuses, e-wallets,...
 Totaly free!


On the internet there are tons of diffrend Online Bookmakers. I will give you informations about 2 best in the wolrd. We allways betting on those two bookmakers. Read what is writen down there and you will see WHY! 
1. Bet-At-Home: Is our Number One Online Bookmaker. They got multilanguage site, also multilanguage support. Odds, betting offers, daily offer are one of the best Online. They also got all stastistics, livescores, scores and everything included. A lot of ways to deposit, and very fast payouts (On E-Wallet should be in few hours)
 + They Offering you 50% first deposit bonus to 22€. So If you deposit 44€, you will get free 22€ on your account in a minute :)

Deposit / Cashout options: 
CreditCard's, Moneybookers, Neteller, PaySafe

If you want to chek out that bookmaker, click the banner!


2. Bet356: is old Online Bookmaker from England. They got everything what you need for online sports betting. Multilanguage site + support, livescore, statistics, great Odds & daily offers. 

What is so special about them are bonuses. They award loyal. On your first deposit they will give you 100% bonus up to 100€. From time to time, when some of big sport events are there, they offers special bonuses all the time. Cashout time on E-wallets is app. 12 hours!

Click on the banner, for registration!

Deposit / Cashout options: 
CreditCard's, Moneybookers, Neteller, PaySafe 

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What is this? This is Online bank whitch help you to manage your finances, moving money from bank account to bookmakers, etc. Here we are going to describe two most popular E-Wallets for working with Online Bookmakers and Poker rooms. All of that 2 e-wallets offers debit credit card (MasterCard) so you can withdraw your winnings at any ATM machine on the world, or you can shopping with it in shops where you can buy with Master Card.

Money from bet-at-home, or bet356 will ned max. 24 hours to cash you out on your e-wallet! 

  1. Moneybookers ( )
    Is Online wallet from London with long ad great tradition and more than a decade of sucessfull working. Your money can be deposited via local bank account, check, credit cards. Money can be cashout with their MasterCard, local bank account.
    They will give you debit MasterCard for 10€ / per year. See card down on the picture!

    2. Neteller ( )
    Is Online wallet smiliar to Moneybookers, but with few more things added. On Neteller wallet you will be able to deposit over yourlocal bak account or VISA ccredit card. Cashout are allowed on VISA credit card, local bank account or their free debit MasterCard, so you will be able to cashout your winnings anytime, anywhere.

    If you want to recive 10% first deposit bonus + other great offers later you should contact us on email: before you register account on Neteller, so we can send you invite with bonus requiments.

    Here I will shopw you both MasterCards, I use it every day. Free MasterCard is one from Neteller. With that card you cancashout your winnings anywhere anytime,
    ASSP -On every ATM machine or shop where they accept MasterCad!


    ABC Betting for our tips

Dictonary for our tips. So you can know how to bet, when you recive our advices!

SINGLE BET = Bet only one pair
DOUBLE BET = Bet both 2 pairs together
TRIPLE BET = Bet 3 pairs together
TICKET = All pairs we send should be bet together

In our tips you will also see mark: Stake 8/10, Or Stake 9/10, or something like that. This number show us how confidet we are about bet and also how much to bet. 8 or 9 or any number show us how much to bet. So 8 Unit per bet, 9 Unit per bet.
Units info: How much is your Unit going to be depends on you and your bankroll. For confident betting 1 EUR per Unit, 250 EUR will be good enough.
From our site this should be all. If you have any questions just write email to us:
 We understand: English, German, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Hungarian.

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